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New Challenges, new Solutions The New Normal

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Last year, everything changed...

Office worker

Life is complicated enough without having to keep up with what technology has to offer.

At Charterhouse, we focus on ensuring that our clients have the best technology solutions to meet their needs – designing, delivering and supporting the technology that enable our client organisations to maximise their efficiency, delivery and sustainability in a complex world that is constantly changing. Our vendor relationships coupled with the award winning capabilities of our staff ensure that our clients are fully equipped to meet today’s and tomorrow’s challenges successfully.

Fusion from Charterhouse: Connect - Collaborate - Secure

The hybrid cloud solution that gives your organisation the security, flexibility and agility you need to react quickly to market conditions.

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    Fusion : Equip your organisation for the New Normal

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    Connect: Access your services from any location

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    Collaborate: Add value to both customer and workforce experience

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    Secure: Reduce the risk to your organisation.

Join Us for our Coffee & Collaborate Virtual Event:

Microsoft Teams – Driving Next Level Unified Communications

Date: ThursdaySeptember 23rd, 2021

Time: 11.00am (30 mins)

Discover how MS Teams integration capabilities are allowing businesses to enjoy next-level unified communications at our interactive Coffee & Collaborate virtual event and we’ll send you your own coffee kit to enjoy during the discussion.

How Microsoft Teams is Driving Next Level Unified Communications.

Join Our Virtual Roundtable and Wine Tasting

Date: ThursdaySeptember 30th, 2021

Time: 4.00pm – 6.30pm

At this exclusive roundtable, we will examine what the future holds as businesses strive for the collaboration sweet-spot and the role Microsoft Teams can play in an effective unified communications strategy. Following the roundtable discussion, please join us for a relaxed wine tasting experience with our expert Sommelier.  We’ll send you the wine in advance and then you and your peers can enjoy each one in turn and pick up some top wine tasting tips along the way.

Collaboration: The New Strategic Secret Weapon

Game changer ebook

“Communication and collaboration tools, once considered tactical, all of a sudden were strategic assets getting boardroom-level attention”.

After a year of disruption and radical changes to social norms, the importance of effective collaboration has risen high on the corporate agenda. A renewed focus on cloud has seen the growth of next-generation networking to safeguard customer experience, as networks face extra pressure from more users, data and devices. Unified analytics will help leaders to assess and optimise collaboration at a strategic level under more fragmented and less predictable trading conditions.

Read more in our eBook, ‘Unified Communications Game Changers in 2021’.

Amazing Customer Experience to give your Business a Competitive Edge

woman working

“81.6% of organisations acknowledge customer experience offers a competitive edge and 58% consider it a primary differentiator.”

NTT Global Customer Experience Benchmarking Report

In the new age of distributed workforces and remote customers, self-service digital interactions must dovetail with person-to-person engagement. Silos have no place in today’s contact centres, where a single unified communications platform with natively integrated chat and meeting room functionality enables agents to collaborate seamlessly with each other and back-office operations. All this can yield a 50% increase in agent productivity, a high-value dividend when CX is such a vital brand differentiator.

Find out more in our eBook, ‘Contact Centre Game Changers in 2021’.

city landscape

80% of respondents said their organisations are somewhat or very likely to integrate Microsoft Teams with third party telephony providers as part of BYOC

Hanover Research

Teams and Telephony: Together for Perfect Collaboration

Creating digital DNA with microsoft teams ebook

Daily use of Microsoft Teams is up 5700% since 2017. For many businesses, last year’s disruption saw legacy PBX systems unable to adjust to remote working. Teams quickly became a shortcut to internal calls.

Today, many organisations deploy Teams in their contact centres and research shows that four out of five feel sufficiently Teams-centric to integrate it with their existing or another telephony provider. Direct routing solutions open up a raft of capabilities, from device reporting and global telephony to trends analysis and customised dashboards.

Find out more in our eBook, ‘Creating Digital DNA with Microsoft Teams’.

Unified Communications 2.0: How Microsoft Teams is Driving Next Level UC

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Find out how Microsoft Team’s integration capabilities are enabling businesses to drastically improve their collaboration capabilities and the key factors to consider on your pathway to next level unified communications.

Get the expert inside-track from our  technology specialist James Banks.

Ready to Take the Next Step? Start with our Short Webinars

Webinar 1 Replay: Game Changers in Unified Communications

Unified communication is the new ‘must-have’ as businesses migrate to hybrid working and less in-person communication. Hosted by Charterhouse Group Technical Director James Banks and Unified Communications Head of Sales Mark Stephens, this On-Demand Webinar explores the drivers behind change, how communications are evolving and the critical first steps that organisations need to take to unify their systems.

Access On-Demand Now

Coffee & Collaborate: Microsoft Teams – Driving Next Level Unified Communications

Discover how MS Teams integration capabilities are allowing businesses to enjoy next-level unified communications, join our 30 min interactive Coffee & Collaborate Session and we’ll send the first 50 people to register their own coffee kit, including a reusable coffee mug and some treats, to enjoy during the discussion.  We’ll also be picking one lucky attendee to win an Apple Watch!

Thursday 23rd September – 11.00am, 30 mins

Virtual Roundtable: How Microsoft Teams is Driving Next Level Unified Communications.

At this exclusive roundtable, we will examine what the future holds as businesses strive for the collaboration sweet-spot and the role Microsoft Teams can play in an effective unified communications strategy.

Wine Tasting

Join Our Virtual Roundtable and Wine Tasting

Following the roundtable discussion, please join us for a relaxed wine tasting experience with our expert Sommelier.  We’ll send you the wine in advance and then you and your peers can enjoy each one in turn and pick up some top wine tasting tips along the way.


4.30pm – 6.30pm

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

Collaboration Solutions to Suit You Perfectly


Our range of feature-rich X Series service plans gives any organisation the best of voice, video, chat, contact centre and APIs, enabling everyone to work together more naturally and effectively from any location.

St Paul’s Cathedral Chooses 8x8 to Boost Remote Working

City landscape

Hear how St Paul’s switched to flexible working, delivered educational content and enabled collaboration across the globe, all thanks to 8×8 from Charterhouse.

“The move from on-premise to the 8×8 cloud solution has delivered much more than a new phone system for St Paul’s. Enhanced features that are easy to use and integrate with our other systems have revolutionised the way we work. The multiple benefits from 8×8 have been far-reaching and are fundamental in helping us to continue in our mission.”

Garry Hunter, Head of IT, St Paul’s Cathedral

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