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Operating a world-class CX platform is achievable for every organisation. Transform the way you interact with your customers and deliver exceptional service with Charterhouse customer experience solutions.

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Meet ever-increasing customer expectations

Technology continues to change the way consumers behave. In today’s digitally connected world, customers are extremely savvy and highly demanding. They have more control in the buying cycle than ever before. They are the force driving the business conversation, using their preferred methods of communication. They have a huge amount of information immediately available to them at all times. They can research and browse for products and services, make buying decisions and transact from smart phones and tablets – on the go, and 24×7.


Today’s customers expect to be dealt with on their own terms, and for your organisation to provide the best experience – whether they are online, in store, using an app, or calling you on the phone. And remember – the modern consumer is always just one social media post away from informing the world of a good or bad customer experience.


All of this puts huge pressure on organisations to ensure they fully understand the customer’s needs, cater to their rising demands, and provide an intimate, flexible and exceptional customer experience across all communication channels.

Steps to building an exceptional customer experience

  • Enabling your staff to communicate with customers via email, web chat, social media, video and telephone call should be central to your customer contact strategy.
  • Building a central and accessible store of customer information is essential to gain true insight into your customers’ needs and behaviour.
  • Ensuring you have the resources available to meet customer demand is vital to ensure business objectives are met.
  • Never underestimate the human factor. Your people are your most valuable asset. Make sure your employees are invested in the process of transformation. Treat them exactly the way you want them to treat your best customers. Empower them with the tools to do their job and set your goals together.

Our solutions help you enhance customer experience

Charterhouse’s customer experience (CX) solutions will transform the way you interact with your customers, enabling your business to deliver consistently exceptional customer service.


Charterhouse will help you understand your customer journey and develop a customer contact strategy that enables you to deliver outstanding customer experience across all channels of communication. Our experts will engage with key elements of your business to gain a deep understanding of your processes and your customer requirements. We will then tailor a set of contact centre technologies that meet your business objectives and the needs of your customers.


We offer a range of flexible deployment and consumption methods, from on-premise to full ‘contact centre as a service’ options.


  • Deliver consistent service levels across all customer contact channels.
  • Deploy artificial intelligence (AI) and automation appropriately to enhance the customer experience and reduce operational costs.


  • Develop a proactive contact strategy utilising our outbound solutions to drive sales, reduce costs and improve customer service.


  • Use our real-time and historical business intelligence tools to gain insight into customer behaviour across all contact channels.
  • Use this insight to become more responsive and make better business decisions.

Workforce management and call recording

  • Transform your organisation by using workforce management to forecast, schedule and empower your staff to perform more efficiently across all contact channels.
  • Utilise recording and quality monitoring tools to train, support and improve the performance of staff and ensure your business operates within regulatory and compliance guidelines.


  • Develop a single view of your customer, integrating CRM with agent desktop, web, video, and social media services.
  • Join your front-line customer contact department with the rest of your business, to give your customer experience operatives access to skills and information across the business, allowing you to optimise customer experience throughout the entire customer journey.
  • Federate your business with key partners to further enhance customer experience and reduce costs.

Our key partners

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