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Creating your agile and flexible working environment

The demand for smarter business collaboration is likely to be coming not just from the leadership of your organisation – it’s largely driven by the expectations of your mobile workforce, in how they want to be able to work together.

In an age of mobile and cloud connectivity, the people in your organisation will expect to be able to work from anywhere, at any time. They want simple and seamless access to the same data and apps across all their devices, whether in the office, at home or on the road.

A modern workforce mobility strategy is now an essential requirement for your organisation, with the growing prevalence of mobile working and flexible working. To realise the full potential of your workforce, your organisation needs to enable greater agility with the right tools, systems and network infrastructure.

Maintain control in a workplace without boundaries

What are the technology and security considerations when designing and developing an enterprise workforce mobility strategy? While responding to this user demand, your organisation must also ensure that data is kept secure on mobile devices, wherever they are taken outside the firewall.

The growing demand from remote mobile workers to be able to bring or choose their own mobile device (workforce mobility BYOD and CYOD) means your organisation needs to securely manage an ever-growing number and diversity of devices and platforms – requiring mobile device management (MDM) solutions. All this must be achieved within ever-tighter budgets, demanding clarity and control over mobile usage, roaming. data services and tariffs.

With the right expert partner, your organisation can develop and realise its strategy for workforce collaboration and mobility – gaining the combined benefits of integrated solutions for unified communications, data security, and mobile working.

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